Each Sunday Bryan and I are blessed to attend Fort Worth PCA. During my year of attendance, I have come to appreciate more and more elements of the church. For starters, I love their commitment to strong families and raising children to know of Christ and His salvation. Also, the emphasis on accountability (from the pastor to each member) is a biblical practice I have rarely seen in other churches. And they have a deep desire to reach out to the community, which they make good by participating in several outreach ministries targeting the local neighborhoods and schools.
Of course, being in a new church takes time to get know everyone and get plugged in. Bryan sings in the choir and helps visit the sick in the hospitals. I attend the women's Bible study group each Wednesday. We both are members of the Denton's small group. Currently, we are in the Inquirers Sunday school class--for those interested in church membership. Hopefully, (as soon as we get those forms completed!), we'll be volunteers for the nursery!
Finally, we do admire and appreciate our pastor, Darwin Jordan (great name for a creationist, eh?). His compassion for people is remarkable; his love of the Scriptures is exemplary; and his commitment to spiritual growth is encouraging. Each week, his sermons challenge me and bring to light new aspects of God and His Word I'd not considered--that says a LOT because I have grown up in the church and made a living in Christian curriculum!!!
During the last few weeks, Darwin has preached on 1 Corinthians 10:12-13 primarily. I realized through his teaching that I have mostly heard this passage in regards to persecution rather than temptation. Understanding this verse in light of the Corinthians' situation--they felt so spiritual that they were above temptation--brought new insights. Paul is saying that they (and we) have no excuse to give in to temptation. Any temptation you face is common to all people; your case is not an exception. I immediately related:
"Well, I couldn't tell her the truth! She's not ready for the truth. I didn't have any other options but to tell a little white one."
"It's not really gossip. I just like to connect, have relationships with people. To do that, I need to know what's going on."
"I had to get angry; he made me angry. What did you expect?"
"I need to make this compromise because I'm trying to build a relationship with her. She'll think I'm weird if I don't . . . or maybe be mad at me; then, poof, my witness is gone."
"No one will know that I've done this. It's not hurting anyone. It's no big deal."
Those excuses don't fly. Whatever situation we find ourselves in not a "special" ordeal. All temptation is common to everyone. But the great part of the verse doesn't end with this--it's realizing that God is always faithful to provide a way of escape. We don't have to give in! God is right there with the alternative, wise choice. Now, if we could just learn to have that careful, hearing heart! What's the solution? Jesus said, Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation.
Sorry for the sermon; I got carried away. I've just loved Darwin's lessons so much these few weeks . . . .
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Worth Quoting
"He is not any less the Lord of history in times of trouble, no do good times suggest a mere temporary spasm of control over events. He is steady and sure, and the Israelites are to see their prolonged enslavement in light of God's character rather than to make conclusions about God's presence or absence on the basis of their circumstances." -Peter Enns, The NIV Application Commentary, "Exodus," pg 43
Monday, September 22, 2008
The First Day of Autumn
This weekend Bryan dug out our cookie press from the cabinet. We received this very handy, very nifty gift for our wedding. Of course, like so many other gadgets, we hadn't used it yet. Bryan stirred up the vanilla batter and we made all sorts of designs, including a pumpkin that's semi-recognizable. My decorating skills (if I dare to term them "skills") left quite a bit to be desired. Nonetheless, the cookies turned out to be very tasty, which is the important part, right?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Ike Update
Thankfully, Ike spared us. The strongest parts of the storm went to our east. We did receive some moderate wind and light rain most all day Saturday. Total rainfall was somewhere around an inch I'd guess.
Those to our south and east were not so lucky. Ike has left a wake of destruction--a mess to clean up. In the DFW area, there are a few thousand evacuees, who will be here for awhile. Houston and Galveston have WEEKS of clean up ahead. So terrible . . . .
Those to our south and east were not so lucky. Ike has left a wake of destruction--a mess to clean up. In the DFW area, there are a few thousand evacuees, who will be here for awhile. Houston and Galveston have WEEKS of clean up ahead. So terrible . . . .
Friday, September 12, 2008
Yikes Ike!
Since I have fielded a few phone calls today, I thought I'd update everyone on our status concerning Ike. If it hits towards Houston, we get 1-3 inches of rain . . . supposedly. If Ike hits Galveston, we're looking at 3-6 with the possibility of strong storms. We have plenty of peanut butter and Dr. Pepper. Hopefully and prayerfully, we'll be fine.
Bah--the Black Sheep
Back in my undergrad days, I often felt the brunt of being the "black sheep" of the English department. The lover of grammar hanging out with the literary critics--a match made in heaven? Admittedly, the "black sheep" label was more in jest than truth, but nonetheless I was often the lone person thoroughly enjoying the ecstasies of such courses as "Advanced English Grammar" and "History of the English Language."
And what? You're going into publishing? Don't you want to teach high school literature instead?
Fast forward several years later (I'll not confess how many), and I am once again well on my way to being the black sheep; this time of the UNT English graduate department. I am surrounded by lovers of grammar (hallelujah), literature, and philosophy. However, my association with publishing garnered a few glances.
Oh, you're in publishing . . . you're the "they" who've made writing and books a commodity--a world of editors, marketing committees, and money. Thanks for ruining everything we stand for.
Sure, I'm exaggerating, but not much. Perhaps, they can sway me; I can sway them. Agents will have to be our middle ground.
And what? You're going into publishing? Don't you want to teach high school literature instead?
Fast forward several years later (I'll not confess how many), and I am once again well on my way to being the black sheep; this time of the UNT English graduate department. I am surrounded by lovers of grammar (hallelujah), literature, and philosophy. However, my association with publishing garnered a few glances.
Oh, you're in publishing . . . you're the "they" who've made writing and books a commodity--a world of editors, marketing committees, and money. Thanks for ruining everything we stand for.
Sure, I'm exaggerating, but not much. Perhaps, they can sway me; I can sway them. Agents will have to be our middle ground.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Last weekend we enjoyed a few fun, relaxing days in Nashville. Actually, those days were more like a whirlwind than relaxing, but fun nonetheless. From a Thursday to a Sunday we stayed with the sis and family. Brad is busy being the "badge." Tina has her hands full with the kids' schedules and little Tyler. Kristen celebrated her 14th birthday (can you even believe it!). Kullen is as cute as ever; however, he suffered a loss while we were there. Minnie, his lizard of several years, went on to be with the Lord, so to speak. Bryan and I both agreed the graveside service was touching. Poor Minnie; poor Kullen.
Vanderbilt and Randall House were also on our "to-see" lists. It was great to visit with old work friends, catching up on improvements, new additions, and office gossip.
Of course, we ate many meals with many friends. Leaving the BNA airport, we again thanked God for His blessings of family and good friends--the good memories we've acquired over the years in middle Tennessee. The only regret? I didn't bring my camera. Rats.
Vanderbilt and Randall House were also on our "to-see" lists. It was great to visit with old work friends, catching up on improvements, new additions, and office gossip.
Of course, we ate many meals with many friends. Leaving the BNA airport, we again thanked God for His blessings of family and good friends--the good memories we've acquired over the years in middle Tennessee. The only regret? I didn't bring my camera. Rats.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Here Kitty, Kitty
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