Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Tomorrow I'm whipping out the pressure washer and attacking our walls, as in the interior walls. Why? Because I feel like we're crawling with sickness.

Okay, mild dramatization. Sorry, but I've HAD it.

Poor, poor Anna has been sick since last Thursday, and maybe even last Wednesday when she only slept 15 minutes for one nap. She's had fever, severe congestion, coughing. It was a cold that turned into a sinus infection that turned into an ear infection. And she was so generous--sharing with her parents. Such a giver.

Did I mention Thursday night she only slept for 15-20 intervals?

But thanks to antibiotics and the ol' "running its course," I think we are all on the mend. Hallelujah! Now, if I could only get her to sleep in . . . .

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What Happened on Halloween?

A lot.

On the not-so-fun side, Anna received her first flu vaccine. Actually, she barely even fussed. One little cry; Bryan popped in the paci; and all was well. We get part two of that dosage at her nine-month visit this month. (Yes, she will be NINE months old in just two weeks. Alas!) At this visit, we learned her weight is now 20 pounds, 12 ounces.

After her afternoon nap, we discovered a tooth--her first one! I suppose she was dead-set on eating some Halloween candy and was determined to do whatever it took to make that happen. She didn't really have any "symptoms" to alert us one was coming through . . . . I mean she's been chewing on everything for five months now! I always thought the teething symptoms--sleep disruption, fussiness, feeding issues--happened BEFORE the tooth broke through. However, we've been experiencing them afterwards. And boy, have we been experiencing them. Yesterday, she slept 15 minutes for her morning nap. Ahem. Today she slept 45.

The Youree three assumed our station on the front porch with jumbo-sized bag of candy ready to go at 6ish. We were surprised, and a little disappointed, that the trick-or-treaters didn't hit the streets to closer to seven. We were curious to see Anna's reaction because she LOVES big kids. So, when the kiddos came up for candy, she would just stare at them, no yelling to get their attention and big leg kicks as she normally does. I guess these folks were not identifiable as big kids in their costumes. :-) She did commandeer three bags of Skittles she now uses as rattles. And speaking of candy, I estimate we had 137 candy vultures stop by.

Here are the pics to commemorate Anna's first Halloween. I'm sure future October 31 posts will include much more glitter and sparkle . . . and yes, even a crown or two.

She wouldn't be still long enough for Bryan to get a good shot!

See? She's clapping her hands and singing here.

Taken just after she donned her Halloween attire.