It was such a treat! The farm was settled by Germans in the 1800s. It has four separate "houses" on the farm for guests. We stayed in the barn! As you can see from the pics, it wasn't exactly hay and horses. However, the walls were original limestone and the wood beams made it feel rustic--in a good way. In the barn was a living area, kitchen, dining area, fireplace, king-sized bed, and a super bathroom (take a look at that tub!). Also, notice the gorgeous two dozen roses my wonderful hubby had waiting on me.
Every morning we sampled (er, consumed!) the tasty breakfast. We had tasty pastries which Bryan liked. Personally, I think the sausage burritos were out of this world.

Butterflies were not the only wildlife around. The farm housed plenty of cute, cuddly cats. (In fact, one cat demanded to be petted...constantly!) In addition to the felines were goats and longhorn cattle. More along the lines of "wild" animals were a large flock (is that what a group of turkeys is called?) of wild turkey, who got out of dodge before we could take a picture. But my favorite....(drum roll, please) were the deer who came out each evening to eat corn. So b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. And there was even a little baby..... At the farm next door, we were excited to see they raised elk. Every evening you could drive by and see these elegant creatures chowing down on hay; not to mention we heard their "cries" in the evening.
While at the barn, we had such a fun, relaxing time. We read. We ate year old wedding cake. (And yes, it actually tasted yummy!) We splurged on a massage and facial from the professional hands at the European Day Spa. (They came to the farm for the pampering session. I had my spa treatment in the old smokehouse!) We enjoyed watching the deer from the tree swing. We sat by the fire. We watched Breakfast at Tiffany's. We soaked in the heavenly tub (Calgon....). We HAD A GREAT TIME!
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