Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Nashville New Year

While I’m typing this, we are several thousand feet in the air on our way home from Nashville. To ring in the New Year, we crashed Music City to visit family and friends—and the holiday did not disappoint. Our niece and nephew, as kiddos tend to do, are growing and growing, looking more like “young adults” all the time. (What does that make us? Just adults?) The activities included eating, watching Gulliver’s Travels, eating, visiting the newly opened Opryland Hotel (it was closed for nearly 8 months after the disastrous flood), shopping the Dillards’ sale, eating with friends, getting coffee with friends, celebrating Brad’s birthday by eating, and hugging my sweet Lytles who are in the USA for their first stint in Indonesia. Whew—it was fun.

I also dragged Bryan through Bellevue showing him where I was residing when the flood took over back in May. It was wild to be back, remembering the last time I saw those places they were under several feet of yucky, muddy water.

The vacation verdict? Spending the New Year with old friends and “old” family (ha, ha) is the way to go! Now, back to work tomorrow . . . .

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