Friday, December 16, 2011

Fast as a Bullet

Cool weather, the glow of the Christmas tree, a cozy blanket . . . all have me feeling sentimental. Oh, and the chocolate piroulines by my side aren't helping. For many, me included, the holidays stir up a mix bag of emotions. Satisfaction for the successes of the year. Hope for the days ahead, with a touch of anxiety for roads yet traveled. Sadness for the losses still yet redeemed, and joy for the unexpected and definitely undeserved blessings.

Tomorrow at 10:45 a.m. my little baby turns 10 months old. These days, she's looking and acting more toddler than baby. Whenever music of any sort reaches her ears, she immediately stops. And sways back and forth like Stevie Wonder. She's "dancing." Tonight, she pulled up to standing and let go for just a few seconds. Her eyes quickly looked at me, asking, "What in the world is going on?" And instead of wanting a bottle for lunch, she preferred mashed potatoes and green beans at Bryan's Christmas party today. I love that kid a million times infinity.

Did I mention she gave her daddy numerous kisses voluntarily while we were at the holiday lunch? Melt my heart.

Oh, and when you ask, "Who's so big?" she raised her arms as high as she can like a ref signaling a good field goal. We cheer and clap. And then she raises her arms like 45 times in a row. Hysterical. Superman has nothing on her. She's is growing and changing faster than a speeding bullet.

On the other side of the coin . . . Bryan and I are coming to terms with news that Granny Youree's health is declining, apparently at rates neither of us are happy about. She's such a jewel. What a blessing to me to watch Granny light up when Anna enters the room. We pray her last days--whether it be hours, days, or months from now--be peaceful, happy, and hopeful.

Ah, the realities of life and death . . . and the importance of knowing the difference between the two.

1 comment:

shopmom said...

What a beautiful family you have. Prayers for Granny Yourrer and all her family