Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Pre-Easter Highlights

Happy Easter weekend to you! So far, it's been a good one for us. We are excited to worship with our church family at FWPC tomorrow. 

The weekend has been a mix of relaxation attempts, Easter shoe shopping for the wee one (waaay more difficult than imagined), grocery shopping, cleaning, and packing. Glamorous--I know. 

Yes, our house is in a state of "transition." With the home remodel approaching, most of our belongs are being boxed up for storage to make room for hammers, lumber, and appliances. And this packing biz is going much slower than hoped; but my motto is "slow and steady wins the race." If I can conquer 3-4 boxes per day, I feel it's a success. Oh, did I mention that Anna's learned how to tear the tape of the boxes? Now you see why the slow progress. Ha.

Speaking of the Youree jewel, she's more and more little girl and less and less baby, which is BREAKING her mother's heart. She's such big business now--eating regularly with a toddler fork, brushing her six teeth daily, understanding everything I say seemingly, running, climbing, playing babies (so cute). Where has the time gone, right?

No worries, I'll post some Easter day pics soon. But here are a few shots from our holy week. :-)

Anna showing me--for the first time--something she built with her blocks.

Ta-dah! Did it all by herself.

(Please ignore the blinding white legs.) We played outside after the sprinklers ran, which leave a nice puddle by the garage. Guess who sat in the water? Of course, this was encouraged by her mom.

And we played bubbles. Good thing these "toddler" bubbles aren't toxic.

"Yes, Mama will blow bubbles for you."

Again, we have a problem with putting things in our mouth still. Teehee.

On the edge of the infamous puddle.

Finally! This girl will trod in grass after months of refusing to step foot on the green stuff.

And Anna is getting the hang of climbing. I don't know to be happy about this or not.

Mama's cute cutie!

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