Sunday, January 6, 2013

The 1:30 Phone Call

Santa (a.k.a. my in-laws) bought me the complete Harry Potter movie set for Christmas. So, the hubs and I have been watching that when we can. We're up to movie five now. And last night we had a date to see The Hobbit

My mind's been in a world of orks, wizards, dementors, dwarfs, Gollum, and Voldemort. So you can see why a phone call at 1:30 a.m. from our home security company completely scared me silly. The patio door monitor was no longer "under supervision" for some harmless reason. However, it didn't seem so harmless then. To say I'm drowsy today is a total understatement. One eye open all night . . . . 

To change the subject, below are pics from Thanksgiving week. Yes, Thanksgiving. Our niece Baylee visited, and then we all visited the Gaylord Texas to see the sights. It's no Opryland Hotel, but it was really fun, especially the Tex Mex. I guarantee the Opryland can't beat that!

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