The results are in from Louisa's MRI; however, don't get your hopes up. We didn't gain many answers.
To be honest, I'm not even sure I will accurately or correctly describe the results because they were very ambiguous. The neurosurgeon is not certain whether Louisa's spinal cord is tethered or not. The MRI was inconclusive about that.
The imaging did reveal that Lou is missing a vertebra (although we were told two different ones so we are seeking clarification here); she is also missing ribs. (Perhaps Adam stole his rib back? Okay, okay bad joke and bad timing.) There is another aspect of her spine that is "thick," although the MRI wasn't clear what is causing the thickness. Blood vessel, fatty tissue, her actual spinal cord?
Because of her missing parts, the radiologists who reviewed the case offered differing opinions. One felt everything was in the range of normal; another felt the findings were abnormal. The neurosurgeon decided to look at the images himself and agreed with the "abnormal" diagnosis. So, he wants to "follow her closely." She will visit his office again in four months unless any big changes occur, and then he wants to see her sooner. He did refer us to a geneticist, who will help him and us better understand why she has these abnormalities and if there are any other issues to be aware of.
In the meantime, Louisa is growing well . . . gaining weight, hitting those developmental milestones. From our vantage point, she is thriving. She's a happy, content girl. We are so thankful for her, love her deeply . . . whether she's missing a rib or not.