Thursday, January 6, 2011

Waiting for a Reason

This week we welcomed a new arrival to the house--a rocking chair and ottoman for the nursery. We ordered it at the end of November, and it just arrived on Tuesday. Apparently, the holiday season isn't a high-demand time for the rocking chair industry. Thus, the manufacturer worked at half staff, making it a longer process. But that's neither here nor there.

I'll post pics of our addition once I get everything sorted.

The arrival of the rocking chair was exciting and a reminder that we are still waiting for adoption news. But we were so encouraged recently when we read a devotion together on the topic of waiting. Ben Patterson, the author, wrote: "Waiting isn't just the thing we do until we get what we're hoping for; it's a critical part of the process of becoming what we hope for." Such good news! While we are waiting to be parents, God is using the "in between time" to prepare us as people and parents. It's so freeing to think of this process as preparation with a purpose than just twirling my thumbs waiting for the call. Oh, to keep the perspective of trusting an all-wise, ever-loving God!

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