As I type, a certain wee one is in her crib screaming. And I don't mean crying; she's literally screaming. My once-stellar-napper has evolved into more of a nightmare napper.
What am I doing wrong?
It all started at Thanksgiving when we were out of town for nine days and Anna got a cold and ear infection while we were gone. All bed time routines went out the window. When we got back, I felt like we were starting all over again with sleep training. Anyway, she still does great at night: put on lotions, zip up jammies, take a bottle, lay down, out for the night.
But nap time . . . . ayeayeaye.
I rock her 5-10 minutes with her paci just to transition her from playtime to sleepy time. We often read a book. Then I lay her down awake. Until 9 months, she did just fine going to sleep on her own. Now, it's party time in the crib for an hour and then screaming/crying for another hour. Today, she only napped one hour and that was after I caved and rerocked her. It's like she can't put herself to sleep anymore during nap time, but has no problem doing that at night.
My doc thinks I should stick with two naps until she's one.
So sorry you're in a rough patch! I totally understand. Jude is having a hard time with naps right now too, and it came out of the blue. I don't have a lot of advice other than to tell you that Elliott took two naps until 13 months and Jude is just now transitioning to 1 nap a day at 20 months. I think if you stick to your guns for a while she'll eventually be retrained to go to sleep without a fuss. It's horrible while it's happening...especially when you had a great sleeper before!
I've just started training Kara to nap in her crib. She's always done great sleeping at night, but I've always been her human mattress for naptime. I'm a sucker, and nursing just makes it so natural.
So I have no advice, just commiseration. It's so sad hearing her cry, even though I know the only thing wrong is that she's sleepy.
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