Friday, February 10, 2012

Birthday Gift Ideas

(Quick birth certificate update: We are expecting to receive the oh-so-important doc between Tuesday and Thursday of next week. You know, the whole, 5-7 business day bit.)

We've fielded lots of questions regarding gift ideas for Anna Zane. So after a long conversation with her (haha), here's a few ideas:

  • Books. She especially loves books that offer interaction. Her favorite read right now is an animal book that allows her to feel fur, feathers, etc. Books with flaps to open and wheels to spin are intriguing to her too. The holes in The Very Hungry Caterpillar get her every time.
  • Little People toys. One of Anna's favorite Christmas gifts was this Little People car; she has these blocks too. Any of the Little People playsets or characters would be well received by Anna. She has started--already--pretending with the little girl and dog that came with her Little People car.
  • Bath toys. Since moving from the so-last-year baby bath to the big tub, new, more age-appropriate toys might be fun.
What shouldn't you get Anna? SHOES! And not because she doesn't need any because she does. At this moment, she only owns one pair that fits. My little cutie's feet are a teeny bit too "fluffy" on top to fit in shoes that are the correct length. When you get shoes that fit the top of her feet, they are waaay to long. Alas, we will address this shoe crisis (yes, crisis; what girl can only have ONE pair of shoes) shortly. 

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