Tuesday, November 13, 2012


In terms of uplifting and day-brightening blog post titles, I'm not sure this one is a winner.

But a fact.

And who do you know that carries around death certificates in her work bag for a week? That'd be me.

For those of you who don't already know, the coroner officially deemed "smoke and soot inhalation" as the cause of my mother's death. Contributing to her death, the coroner listed "congestive heart failure" and "hypertensive arteriosclerotic vascular disease." Now that may not sound like good news to you; in fact, it was a surprise to me because our family didn't know mom struggled with these health issues. But this revelation coupled with the what we already knew of her declining health--multiple diabetic maladies and recovery from a broken hip earlier this year--brings comfort to me.

It explains why my mother only made it about six feet before collapsing once the grease fire broke out. She was apparently cooking chicken on the stovetop. Her walker was fourish feet away at the sink. She made it to the dining table, trying for the back door. It also comforts me to know she did not suffer long. Her body with those health struggles could not sustain life very long at all.

The complete autopsy--as far as I know--is not yet released. I suppose some of the testing takes a bit.

But some closure is better than no closure. For that, I'm thankful.

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