Thursday, January 10, 2013

TCU Music Class and More

It's impossible . . . impossible, I tell you, that my sweetest cutie pie will be TWO in one short month. Where, oh where, has the time gone? And where is my cuddly baby? I walked in the room today to find her on top of the kitchen table. That's where she is . . . was.

Heaven help me.

Sure, I sound all doom and dread, but Anna Zane--even in all her toddler-ness--is a dream. She truly is laid back and still shows off her kind spirit. My heart swells to see her blossom and grow in confidence and ability. The girl loves books and cooking the most with the occasional baby or block fun fest.

Anna is also talking heaps (also repeating everything I say). And running. And having tea parties in the bathtub. And asking to watch The Fresh Beat Band (to her, the "Beats") thousands of times per day. And pretend falling so she can get a hug. And telling me "Hug and kiss" when she goes bye-bye (a.k.a. taking her toy stroller down the hall). And talking about the potty and pee and poop but doing very little about it. Ahem.

In summary, she's doing wonderfully.

Below are pics from her last music class in December. I mean last music class for that semester. We start drummin' and strummin' again next week.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! Kara thinks so too. She enjoys visiting your blog and pointing out the baby in every picture.

Happy Friday from Kara and me!