Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Dad Is Having a Better Morning

The night ended yesterday with dad being a bit more responsive, but having breathing "episodes," where he would take long pauses between several breaths. He was really dehydrated; thus, he received an IV, albeit it took five or six tries to insert the needle.

Dad is doing better today. He's had some orange juice and coffee so far. Yesterday, no one could even get a sip of water down him. He can talk now, even understanding what you are saying throughout a conversation--a short conversation, but a conversation nonetheless!

His doctor did reveal the results of the blood work; he has no infection of any sort. So, the deterioration is strictly due to his brain tumor. They are giving him sugar in his saline IV because his sugar count is in the 50s.

We are asking for visitors to check in at the nurse's station before seeing dad. He cannot handle a lot of visitors and activity, so we'd like to limit that. Also, keep the calls sparse and short. But please, keep him in your prayers as he walks through this difficult stage.

Mom is doing okay, except for her diabetes and foot problem. The doctor should tell us her surgery time/day today, we think (and hope!). Her MRI did show infection in two of her three bones in that toe, but the doc recommends amputating the entire toe. He did warn her that she's not out of the water because she still has significant infection throughout her foot. And on an emotional level, mom is dealing with some hard stuff too--what we are all anticipating and preparing for, but no one wants to name aloud.

Just keep thinking about us!

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