Thursday, September 3, 2009

Two Weeks

Where to begin?

Mom made it through surgery just fine. Her blood pressure was a bit up, but what else do you expect when you get a toe whacked off! :-) Her dr said she will be in the hospital through Monday, maybe longer. They will re-evaluate then. She has quite a bit of infection still; so that's got to be monitored closely, thanks to her diabetic status. Her nurses are really great. They are keeping a close watch on her.

The meaning of the "two weeks" title is this--Dad's dr talked with Tina yesterday, a sort of "rubber meets the road" kinda talk. Tina knew it was serious when she asked her to sit down. Essentially, dad's cancer is taking over at break-neck speed. He's in states of delirium, stalled breathing, nausea, and non-responsiveness at various times throughout each day. The doctor said it would be a miracle if he was alive in two weeks.

We broke the news to mom this morning. Of course, she is upset. She's calling it "heartbroken." We are asking, due to this sensitive time for mom and such a frail time for dad, that visitors be only family. Tina is leaving Arkansas today, having been there since Sunday. I am contemplating what to do. Tony is there now, but will leave at lunch. Anyway, we are taking one moment at a time, forget one day at a time; that's too much to bear.

Remembering God's presence and promises . . . .

1 comment:

Coopers in Change said...

I'm lifting up you and Bryan.