Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Epitome of Cuteness

Wednesday, July 6, 2011
I've been videoing, but I haven't been posting. Enjoy this mega-video post!
Swimming in Uncle Lanny's pool:
Anna is a big girl now in her excersaucer. I tried to sneak up on her because if she spies any electronics she immediately stops what she's doing.
Luci's birthday party was the bash of the year, complete with a petting zoo for the kiddos. I was all about Anna's first experience with cute critters. What's funny is that Bryan wasn't so keen on the idea of her touching them. Notice how he jerks back after she pets the bird. Hysterical. I quickly learned how many infectious diseases these animals can carry. :-)
Oh the bunny . . . .
Anna and her Granny Youree!
And her Papa Youree!
She can't decide if she wants to play or sleep:
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Leeland and Sanctus Real
I know the organizers for this concert; so I'm helping them with a wee bit of promo . . . .
Two popular Christian bands will be playing in Frisco, TX in September as a part of the Out of the Ordinary Concert. Sanctus Real and Leeland are two of today’s hottest CCM acts. Sanctus Real is most noted for their runaway hit song Lead Me while Leeland is highly recognized for popular songs like Sound of Melodies and Tears of the Saints.
The concert will take place on Wednesday evening September 21, 2011 at 7:00 PM at the Frisco Convention Center and Embassy Suites near the Dr. Pepper Arena. Popular student and family ministry experts Mark Matlock and Hayley DiMarco will lead this exciting night of praise in the Metroplex. Event promoters anticipate that many churches will bring their youth groups.
For ticketing information and pricing go to http://www.OutOfTheOrdinaryConcert.com.
For more information on the bands, updates, or other social media sources check out:
· The concert Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Out-of-the-Ordinary-Concert/169308523126680
· Concert Twitter page: https://twitter.com/friscoconcert
· Sanctus Real’s website and videos: http://www.sanctusreal.com/
· Leeland’s website and videos: http://www.leelandonline.com/
For more information go to http://www.OutOfTheOrdinaryConcert.com. For media interviews call 615.804.8784 to speak with Matt Markins or email him at matt.markins@randallhouse.com.