July = busy Youree bees. Thus, the lack of blog posts. Please forgive me. I will make up for it with this mega, super, duper update. Hold onto your chairs . . . .

This is what a five-month-old looks like. And she's sporting her new separates. We are becoming fans of the whole shirt/pant option. It is a life-saver when poop and/or vomit enters the picture. It is also interesting to note, this outfit falls in the 6-9 month range. So, for those of you who cannot resist buying clothes for Anna Zane, we are golden when it comes to summer clothes. However, in the winter 9-12 months area, we are lacking.
Daddy Pa took this picture while Anna was in the crib. Love those fingers in her mouth. She drools and drools and chews and chews, but still no teeth!
She is still a super, super good sleeper, averaging 11-12 hours a night. She wakes up sometime between 8-9 in the morning. And of course, she usually starts off the day right with a poopie diaper. Next, comes the bottle, but what a battle that’s been recently! She is so energetic in the mornings; she will hardly take her bottle. It takes nearly 30-40 minutes to get the whole thing eaten. We have to stop to play with the burp cloth, the bottle, her toes, my hair, and on and on. When we lotion up and get dressed. Most often she plays on her back for a few minutes to help with digestion and spitting up. But she LOVES her excersaucer and can now touch the floor. So that added umph makes it extra fun. She can play for around two hours before she’s ready for a nap. I'm so proud to report she loves books. We read three or four before her afternoon nap. Anna is starting to help me turn the pages—too cute. Of course, there are new tricks! Anna’s hand-eye coordination gets better every day. She’s really able to grasp and hold toys well. Her favorite toy is Sophie the Giraffe. When she gnaws on that, she talks and talks and talks. She is also really close to sitting up by herself. Even now she doesn’t fall to one side of the other. Her issue is she wants to lean forward to grab those toes; and then she doesn’t know how to lift back up. Aside from her morning bottle, she eats 7-8 ounces at every feeding. And at those feedings she does just fine. Also, she seems to be cutting two teeth. As you can imagine, drool. Drool. Drool. I call her Niagara Falls. Anna likes riding in the car. More often than not, she ends up drifting off to sleep--which is what I am about to do now! Goodnight!
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