Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Information

Today, I'm writing from the comfy confines of my very own office. It's so nice to be home. The weekend is a bit of a blur, but here is some more information . . .

Sunday evening we had a private viewing in Fort Smith. The immediate family, along with aunts and grandmother, participated. In a few weeks, once we get an okay from mom's doctor for her to travel, we will have a memorial service in east Tennessee, where my dad was born and grew up. In the next handful of days, my siblings and I will begin preparing for that, etc. I'll post more info as we make decisions and what not. Also, we are in the works of setting up the Bobby White Memorial Fund. I should have that finalized today or tomorrow. Will post info on that too.

Mom has a doc's appt today. So far, her foot is healing well. Of course, this isn't going to be brand new over night, but it's on a good track. Her blood sugar and blood pressure has improved too.

And that's all for now! I suppose I should have titled this post, More Information to Come!

1 comment:

Coopers in Change said...

Emily, thinking of you and Bryan. He is faithful to provide your every need. Let me know if I can do anything from my side of things....Laos, that is.