Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sleep Struggles

It happened again. Little Anna Zane woke up at 4:00 a.m. crying. This is the second time this week, and the second week in a row that she does this. The sleep irregularities started three weeks ago when she started waking 30-45 minutes into her nap. That is not everyday, but at least three times a week. When she wakes up at night now, we give her a "half" bottle, thinking maybe she's hungry. And then, she does seem to be cutting two teeth on the bottom. So, we wondered is this teething???

If only Anna could talk . . . . .

We, of course, worry we are doing something wrong, especially since these sleep problems come from a little gal who slept like clockwork, and a lot! Next week is Anna's doctor visit, so hopefully, we'll get some troubleshooting options.

If you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them.

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