Tuesday, April 10, 2012

In. To. Everything.

If we weren't in the middle of severe weather season and if our area hadn't recently been pummeled with tornadoes, I'd make some wisecrack about Anna being THE Texas tornado. And since she's the sweetest, silliest baby girl, I won't give her the natural disaster moniker. She's just a wonderful, curious 1-year-old.

Now the picture below really isn't Anna's fault. I totally encourage discovery play, even if it's messy (sorry Daddy).  She got into a baby-proofed drawer. (Oh yes, she has long figured out how to open those.) I quickly removed all the dangerous items, and then allowed her to play with band aid boxes galore while I primped for the day.

But don't be fooled, Anna keeps me on my toes. 

After breakfast, I was steaming some food for Anna's lunch. (I still cook batches of veggies in bulk for her, freeze, and use to supplement her meals.) While I was cooking, she was taking my spice jars from the pantry to the window seat in the kitchen. Back and forth. Harmless. 

I decide I need some socks on my chilly toes. I walk to my bedroom, get socks, and come back to the kitchen--only a few seconds away. I find Anna halfway to the bedroom with the lid off the thyme container, sprinkling substantial amounts of the spice along her path. She was also gingerly licking the thyme lid, enjoying every minute. Then she sees me, throws the lid in the air, and takes off running. Upon catching her, I give it the best "no no" I can muster at this point and say we need to clean up. Being the good helper she is (really she does love to help), she runs to the spilled spice and starts "wiping" it with her hand--a.k.a. spreading the stuff further. 

**20 minutes later**

When she's awake, I take my shower in the guest bath as there's not as much to get into and I can corral her a bit better. Yesterday, I was in our master bath gathering all I needed for a shower in the other bathroom. The door to the toilet was left open, which she quickly took advantage of--splish splash in the water. Ahem.

She knows when Mama says, "Let's take a shower," to head to the guest bathroom. That's what happened yesterday too. She was several steps ahead of me. As I turn the corner into that bathroom, I hear splash, splash. Mhmm, she's sloshing toilet water again. After I get her sanitized, I remember my hair clip was in the other room. In the 10 seconds (less really) it took for me to get the clip and come back, this is what happened: 

What am I going to do when she's two?

Honestly, I find all of this endearing and quite entertaining. I was giggling the whole time . . . Oh, Anna!

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