Thursday, April 19, 2012

My First--and Better Be Last--Trip to the ER

I'm posting about my less-than-stellar 24 hours so that all the friends and family, who've so sweetly worried about me, can rest their fears. And yes, I can just tell you in one swoop. This girl is tired.

Long story short . . . after being up for several hours last night and experiencing pain I hope never to feel again this morning, Bryan took me to the doctor, which quickly turned into a visit to the ER.

I'm happy to report after seven hours of IV's, blood work, a CT scan, pain meds, and heaps of waiting, the source of my pain was identified. Thank God, the problem didn't require an admittance to the hospital or surgery as I feared. I will follow up with my doctor tomorrow to address the problem.

Whew, glad that's over!

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