Thursday, September 20, 2012

September in Pictures, Well Mostly

I recognize this is a picture assault and overload, but, hey, I am a working mother and I'm fitting in this whole blogging bit. Don't judge. :-)

I know, I know, the aunts, friends, and grandparents from far and away are going to be upset I've yet to blog (and most important post pics) of that very special first day of "school" last week. Stay tuned. That scoop is on its way.

But here's what else has been happening in September besides school:

Anna is growing too big!

She can climb now . . .  

Do you catch a hint of pride at conquering this mountain called "Ottoman" AND putting a puzzle together all at the same time? Talented? Oh yes. 

Yep, she mops. 

And . . . let's just say, she's becoming very interested in clothing/dress up. The following pictures will show the progression from one evening where she kept bringing me different articles of clothing to put on her. 

(Excuse the extremely pasty woman in the background. Oh, and the laundry.) 

We call this her "drugged on Vicks hippie chic" pic. I continue to train her well in the healing powers of Vicks Vapo Rub. 

Notice the Vicks again? These pics were taken weeks apart. So, as you can see, September's been a sick one. Boo.

We had the allergy attack and all. This pic is from her appointment with the allergy doc, which revealed a nasty sesame food allergy.

But boy, did she have fun staying with Mimi and Daddy Pa for TWO nights! She got to swim too while she was there.  

Just riding with mom in the car, looking adorable as usual. 

The hair is a'growin'. 

She vacuums too (thanks Aunt Jennifer!) Bryan plans to video so we have proof that she does LIKE to vacuum just in case she ever gives us grief about it in the future. Ha!

Looking at the cars go by with Mama.

Anna is a fan of carrying a purse (like Mama). She keeps her arm up like that the entire time. 

While she can't yet reach the pedals, she's a fan of her new bike, thanks to cousin Amelia's gift.

The weather is nicer and to the park we go. 

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