Saturday, January 18, 2014

Update: Passport, Adoption, Surgery, and Such

Because I know you've been wondering . . . 

Good news! Anna Zane's passport arrived in the mail this week!!!!!!! YAYAYAY! All the drama is finally over. I so think this calls for an international trip, right?

And for the curious, we've had ZERO news on the adoption front. We are still waiting. Just waiting.

I've been blessed with the need to wear glasses and/or contacts since I was in third grade. To say my eyesight is poor . . . well, I believe understatement comes to mind. Thanks to a strained retina, lattice degeneration, and eye fatigue, I'm all signed up for eye surgery on February 6. It should be no big deal except for the fact I will be AWAKE during the procedure. Holy moly, I hate needles and all that jazz, but I will survive.

Finally, in really sad, difficult news, our family experienced a troubling development over the weekend.  While I prefer to keep the matter private at this time, to eliminate the need for further questions, the incident does involve words like arrest, charges, and an innocent, sweet family member caught in the middle. We ask for privacy, prayers for wisdom and grace, and God's guidance. Thank you for understanding.

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