Monday, December 29, 2014

Louisa's Visit with the Neurosurgeon

Whew. The visit with the neurosurgeon is come and gone.

And it's practically all good news! Louisa will have a MRI sometime in March (for which she will be sedated). That will show the neurosurgeon everything he needs to see to determine if her conus needs correcting or if her cord is tethered or at imminent risk of tethering. If so, then surgery will take place in May (need to get her to six months).

Now this might not all sound rosy, but the good doctor thinks--from his examination and her improvements/normalizing--that no treatment/surgery will be needed. The MRI is a double check, just-to-be-sure kinda thing.

We really do feel relieved and are hopeful for good results in March.

Thanks for your prayers and concern. They mean so much!

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