Thursday, May 2, 2013

During Nap

Anna went to sleep at 2:10.

I went downstairs to check the rug and wood floor I soaked last night when watering a plant too much. The carpet and floor were dry. I moved the plant on the carpet to clean the plant holder. I discovered mold on the bottom of the plant holder and thus, the wood floor. (My husband is now grimacing as he reads this.)

Out comes the wood cleaner. I set the plant holder outside. I see spots on the glass door I've been meaning to clean.

Out comes the window cleaner. And then I remember to clean a spot on the dining room window. All left by you-know-who.

Back to the floor and mold and water--all clean. I move the plant onto a plastic pan I retrieved from the laundry room. Quickly realize, there is now water and dirt on the new rug.

Out comes the carpet cleaner. Spray. Wait three minutes.

Gather the towels from the floor under the dining table being used to soak up a glass of milk spilt by Anna at lunch. Toss in laundry.

Notice crumbs under table on other side. Sweep.

Use damp, color-fast cloth to clean rug. Vacuum.

Get out mop. Clean sticky, milk floor and decide to mop by front and back door since I'm usually the culprit tracking in.

Put all cleaning products away.

Open dishwasher to unload. Realize the soap dispenser never opened but was stuck on the tab.

Restart dishwasher. Wash lunch dishes by hand.

What ever happened to sleep when the baby toddler sleeps?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha! I have never, ever, not once been able to sleep when the baby sleeps, except for one short period right after they arrived, and my mom was here taking care of everything else!

Looking forward to meeting you through FWMB!