Bryan just walked through the door. (Imagine him walking along the stone pathway to the door. Teehee.) He's on call this weekend . . . and it shows. He's tired from an extremely long day. Not to mention we are both recovering from some sort of stomach bug. Yuck.

Today was filled (for my part, that is) with freelance work, homework (Emerson's essays), and cleaning this or that. Bryan's day was filled with patients. This evening I watered the flowers as usual, but this time I had a new treat. Our newly guttered garage and new rain barrel provided me with "free" water. Here's a pic of the new addition:
Also, we have a vermin, a varmint, whatever you want to call it. Some wild animal has discovered our compost pile, digging and conniving any way possible to get at the goods. We've already gone ghetto with rocks around the entrances. Today revealed the nighttime culprit used its paws to dig dirt from the side slots. Thus, slinging compost all around the bin. Thanks, furry creature. Any ideas for deterring a sly fox or creative raccoon? See what I'm working with?
I feel quite certain it isn't our neighbor's cats. They are great hunters, but aren't the digging type. For the most part, they're both snobs--cute, but snobs. Poncho and Lefty think the Youree's backyard is also their domain, which is fine by me. Lefty makes you beg to pet him. Poncho runs anytime you get close. Here's a pic of Poncho I caught lounging under our deck. Silly thing.
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