Thursday, May 15, 2014

Anna-isms #7

Back in the day (as in high school) when I worked a part-time job at a daycare, I thoroughly enjoyed teaching a 3-year-old class during the summer. I remember thinking that three was a pretty fun age. Now that I get the privilege of parenting a three-year-old cutie, I concur with my adolescent conclusion. Three just might be my favorite so far, even given the "threenager" tendencies noted by myself and other mom friends. Three is fun. Three is funny. Three is entertaining!

For example . . .

No matter what or when you ask, the answer is always the same:

Me: What time is it?
A: Four nine thirty.

Me: How much do you weigh?
A: Four nine thirty.

Me: How much does that cost?
A: Four nine thirty.

Me: How much money do you have?
A: Four nine thirty.

Me: When will Daddy get home?
A: Four nine thirty.

After doing an excellent job as flower girl in her cousin's wedding (while sporting double ear infections, mind you), Anna ran to her Mimi during the ceremony, exclaiming, "But I still have flowers in my bucket."

During a recent thunderstorm, as the storm was leaving our area, we heard some distant thunder. Anna looks straight at me, completely serious, "Mommy, did you toot?"

Child, child . . . .

Swiper the Fox lives under our kitchen table. A mean witch lives in various places around the house. We must run any time she's mentioned--in delight, I might add. The "pets," a.k.a. stuffed animals routinely need to visit the doctor for a shot. Acorns are treasures and need to be accumulated en masse.

When Anna was up from 10:30 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. with the above mentioned double ear infections, we chatted and snuggled on her bed, hoping sleep would soon come. During one conversation, she rolls on me, gets right in my face, and says, "Do you hear that howling?" There was no howling. "That's the night creatures. They're outside." Afraid she was feeling afraid or creating scary images in her mind, I pushed her further to figure out what she meant. "Mom, it's the owls. They are going hoo hoo howling. They are waking me up."

Still can't get out the "f" sound so it's:

Hix (fix)
Hunny (funny)
Hound (found)
Hinger (finger)
Hong (phone)
Hip hop (flip flop)
Hee (three)
Whore (four)
Hive (five)

Also, Dis-a-na-wee-land (Disneyland)

This happens during nap time at least twice a week.

Notice the concert ends with a bow, a "yay Anna," and some humble "tank you, tank you's."

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