Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Latest Development in the Eye Saga

It's been ages since I blogged here. Forgive me, please. In the next days, I'll catch you up reaaaaalll soon. Promise.

But in the meantime, here's my obligatory update on the whole LASIK debacle. A visit with the ol' doc on Friday revealed my eyes are now stable and ready for round two of surgery. And I'm even MORE excited to report I only need surgery in my left eye! Woot. Woot.

Apparently since my vision was so poor (-6.75), the swelling and trauma was a bit more severe than with other LASIK patients. Thus, why I was sooo blurry for several weeks. My right eye has now stabled out at nearly 20/20, which only happened about three weeks ago. My left eye is now at -0.75 and is sporting astigmatism. So those two issues will be corrected during the next surgery on May 29.

My doc assures me that this surgery will be less . . . less painful, less stressful, and less time under the laser. Let's hope he's right.

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